What is Prolapse?
A prolapse occurs when surrounding organs or structures push into your vaginal canal, often causing urinary problems, bowel symptoms, and sexual dysfunction, among other issues. If you’re struggling with a prolapse, Patrick Nosti, MD, FACOG, at Urogynecology of Kansas City, offers innovative treatment solutions. Find out more by booking a prolapse evaluation today.
A prolapse (or vaginal prolapse or pelvic organ prolapse) is a general term that describes several conditions that lead to abnormal protrusions of organs or other components.
In most cases, prolapse issues occur after childbirth, often due to stretch injuries during childbirth along with muscle injuries and weakness. You can develop any of the following prolapse issues:
- Cystocele prolapse, where your bladder bulges into your vagina
- Uterine prolapse, meaning your uterus protrudes into your vaginal canal
- Rectocele prolapse, where the tissues between your rectum and vagina weaken
- Enterocele prolapse, meaning part of your small intestine enters your pelvic cavity
While pregnancy and labor and delivery are often to blame when it comes to developing a prolapse, they’re not the only causes. Your risk of struggling with a prolapse is higher if you’re overweight, have chronic constipation, or have a family history of weak connective tissues.
How do I know if I have a prolapse?
You may or may not experience symptoms when you have a prolapse. Many women explain that they feel like there’s a constant heavy or pulling sensation on their pelvic organs. Depending on the severity of your prolapse, you might also notice:
- Pelvic pressure
- Lower back pain
- Vaginal looseness
- Increased urination
- Urinary incontinence
- Difficulty passing stools
- Fecal incontinence
It’s also common to feel like something is going to fall out of your vagina. If any of these symptoms sound familiar, you have plenty of options for relief at The Woman’s Center.
What is the treatment for a prolapse?
Your urogynecologists will likely get you started on conservative prolapse treatments beginning with your first appointment. Nonsurgical prolapse treatments include:
- Pessary
- Kegel exercises
- Pelvic floor physical therapy
But if you have a more severe prolapse or if conservative treatments aren’t effective, your doctor at The Woman’s Center may recommend any of the following minimally invasive procedures:
- Hysterectomy with additional repairs
- Uterosacral ligament suspension to attach supportive tissue to deeper ligaments
- Iliococcygeal or sacrospinous suspension to attach strong connective tissues
- Sacral colpopexy to laparoscopically implant synthetic, pliable mesh supports
- Cystocele, rectocele, or enterocele repairs
- Colpectomy and colpocleisis to narrow and shorten your vagina
No matter which prolapse treatment is right for you, Urogynecology of Kansas City is dedicated to ensuring that you experience the relief you deserve. Contact our office to speak with a team member and book your prolapse evaluation.